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May 14, 2020

Based on the 2019/2020 Caregiving and the Workplace: Employer Benchmarking Survey, from the Northeast Business Group of Health and AARP, employers have a way to go in recognizing the needs of their caregiving employees.

Only 9% of employers surveyed for that study said caregiving was among their Top 5 priorities for employee health and benefit issues. And although 78% of firms said their workplace culture supports employees who are caregivers, only 58% of employees said they think their top management is supportive of caregiving policies.

COVID-19 Reveals the Value of Caregiving Benefits

May 13, 2020

"The challenges for employee caregivers have increased exponentially as a result of the risk for COVID-19 among older and vulnerable people, social distancing requirements, and 24/7 child care responsibilities," said Candice Sherman, CEO of the Northeast Business Group on Health (NEBGH), an employer-led coalition. "Employers are trying to increase support for caregiving employees by providing more backup help, flexible working hours and access to expert resources, and some are providing relief funds to help with expenses."

In late 2019 and early 2020, NEBGH and AARP surveyed benefit managers at 119 mostly large U.S. employers. The survey, a follow-up to one conducted in 2017, found that more employers now provide paid leave specifically for caregiving—23 percent of respondents do so, up from 11 percent in 2017.

But while 61 percent of benefit managers said circus casino online caregiving is a top priority for them, and 45 percent believe they are on par with similar organizations in developing caregiving-friendly benefits, almost a quarter (22 percent) see themselves as below or well below average, "a clear sign there is much room for improvement," Sherman said. 

Virtual mental health benefits subject of new employer guide

May 12, 2020

The Northeast Business Group on Health has issued an employer guide for benefits leaders to assess and select digital mental health services for their employees.

The guide—released in partnership with the nonprofit website One Mind PsyberGuide—comes as the demand for mental health services reaches unprecedented levels during the Covid-19 crisis.

The guide outlines the return on investment—between $2 and $4 for every dollar spent on mental health—as well as the advantages and challenges of offering virtual services. It also evaluates two dozen mental health digital solutions, including through what conditions they target, what types of interventions they offer and whether they have participated in published studies that evaluate their results.

Advantages of digital mental health benefits can include greater accessibility and convenience compared to in-person therapy sessions, anonymity and lower cost. However, questions regarding the proven effectiveness of some services and whether they are the right type of treatment for every individual can persist.

"We know there's going to be a tsunami of mental health issues that follow [the pandemic]," said Dr. Mark Cunningham-Hill, medical director at the Northeast Business Group on Health. "The ability to have easy access to mental health resources makes these tools even more valuable than they were."

Benefits leaders should consider their target population for digital circus casino bonus code mental health services, according to the guide. For instance, some employers may just include employees, but others may also include family members of employees.

Employers also should determine what objectives they're looking to achieve by offering virtual mental health solutions as well as how they plan to effectively engage their employees.

"Employers are faced with a multitude of options when considering digital solutions for mental health," said Stephen Schueller, executive director of PsyberGuide, in a statement. "This often leads to pitch fatigue; employers are approached by various companies and may not know what else is out there and what might be able to meet their needs."

Employers tend to find that multiple providers and vendors approach them selling mental health apps, said Cunningham-Hill. "They struggle to find out which one is the best one."

Funding for the guide was provided by the Bowman Family Foundation, Aetna and Johnson & Johnson. —Jennifer Henderson

Mental Health Apps Offer New Ways to Support Employees

May 12, 2020

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A new guide, Digital Tools and Solutions for Mental Health, developed by the Northeast Business Group on Health (NEBGH) and One Mind PsyberGuide, provides HR and benefits leaders with information to navigate through the maze of mental health apps.

"Digital technologies have the potential to revolutionize treatment for mental health conditions," said Mark Cunningham-Hill, medical director at NEBGH, an employer-led coalition. "These solutions can provide valuable new services that make mental health support more accessible and reduce barriers due to stigma."

He added, "With the country now in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic, the value of these tools that provide virtual solutions has increased exponentially."

The guide lists two dozen mental health apps and circus casino bonus code their key features, including what conditions each tool targets (such as stress, depression, anxiety) and the types of intervention it offers (such as coaching, mindfulness meditation, clinical therapy).

It has a checklist of key considerations for employers when evaluating and selecting a digital mental health solution, and features case studies of four major employers that have been using mental health apps for their employees.

$150,000 grant to help improve access to behavioral health care

April 27, 2020

The Northeast Business Group on Health has received a $150,000 grant from the New York Community Trust to help improve access to behavioral health care for people in the city, Long Island and Westchester County with employer-sponsored insurance.

The funding is for the first two years of the business group's participation in the new Path Forward for Mental Health and Substance initiative.

Late last year the group was tapped to lead one of the initiative's eight regional employer stakeholder engagement teams. The goal is to leverage the influence of employer and other health care purchaser members to work with health plans, hospital systems and stakeholders to better address behavioral health care.

The grant will support surveying members to identify access and payment challenges as well as collecting studies on cost and data and policy information to support employers in health plan negotiations, among other efforts, the business group said.

Though the Path Forward initiative was started before the Covid-19 pandemic, it's now even more relevant.

"The mental health challenges that all of us face are more critical than ever, and they are not going to come to an end if and when this crisis comes to an end," said Candice Sherman, CEO of the business group. "There will be emotional fallout."

Telehealth, which has rapidly increased in the past two months, was already one of the initiative'circus casino no deposit bonus s five areas of focus.

"This Covid-19 crisis has really opened the door to a much more extensive use of telehealth for mental health and substance-use disorders," Sherman said. "One of the questions that we would like to pursue is how we can engage stakeholders to really make telehealth part of the new normal." —J.H.

Caregiving Benefits Come into Focus for Employers

April 22, 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, various issues have arisen in the benefits space. Perhaps none more prudent than the need for caregiving benefits as many employees shoulder the responsibility of taking care of children or sick parents.

However, according to a survey by the Northeast Business Group on Health (NEBGH), United States employers were already making caregiving benefits one of their top priorities before the COVID-19 pandemic.

The survey of 117, mostly large, U.S. employers found more than three quarter of respondents (79%) said caregiving will be an increasingly important issue over the next five years. The survey was conducted in late 2019 and early 2020.

Caregiving a growing priority for more employers

April 21, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has only accentuated the already growing number employees shouldering caregiving responsibilities, according to the 2019/2020 “Caregiving and the Workplace: Employer Benchmarking Survey” by the Northeast Business Group on Health.

“The challenges for employee-caregivers have increased exponentially as a result of the risk for COVID-19 among older and vulnerable people, social distancing requirements, and 24/7 childcare responsibilities,” says Candice Sherman, CEO of NEBGH. “Employers are trying to increase support for caregiving employees by providing more back-up help, flexible working hours and access to expert resources, and some are providing relief funds to help with expenses.”

Even before COVID-19, employers were paying attention to caregiving benefits

April 21, 2020

Even before the novel coronavirus pandemic, U.S. employers were increasingly prioritizing caregiving circus casino online benefits, according to new research from Northeast Business Group on Health. A survey of 117 employers conducted in late 2019 and early 2020 found that more than three-quarters of respondents (78%) said caregiving would be an increasingly important issue over the next five years.

Over half (60%) of respondents said caregiving was a top priority for them, but there was a lot of room for improvement: 45% said they were on par with similar organizations in developing caregiving-friendly benefits, while 23% said they were below or well below average.

Caregiver programs may become the most in-demand benefits of 2020

April 20, 2020

The number of employees shouldering caregiver responsibilities has been rising, even before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a survey by Northeast Business Group on Health. Now, more than ever, employers need to be prioritizing benefits to fit the needs of these employees.

“The challenges for employee-caregivers have increased exponentially as a result of COVID-19,” says Candice Sherman, CEO of NEBGH. “Employers are trying to increase support by providing more back-up help, flexible working hours and access to expert resources, and some are providing relief funds to help with expenses.”

HRE’s number of the day: Caregiving attention

April 20, 2020

79: Percentage of employers who say caregiving will be an increasingly important issue over the next five years

In a survey of 117 mostly large U.S. employers by the Northeast Business Group on Health, more than three quarters of respondents (79%) said caregiving will be an increasingly important issue over the next five years. The survey was conducted in late 2019 and early 2020. Meanwhile, while nearly half (45%) believe they are on par with similar organizations in developing caregiving-friendly benefits, almost a quarter (22%) see themselves as below or well below average, a sign there is much room for improvement.