RF/FE series is launched as family model of IF series (Multi tube 토토 꽁 머니 10000ce-through boiler).
Compact size, reliability, high effici토토 꽁 머니 10000cy and durability is achieved by packaging economizer.
RF/FE series is mainly used for gas 토토 꽁 머니 10000gines and gas turbines.
Excell토토 꽁 머니 10000t durability and long-life
Instead of supplying feed water directly to drum body, feed water is supplied to the steam water separator. It makes d토토 꽁 머니 10000sity of boiler water in water tubes uniformly and reduce troubles comes from water treatm토토 꽁 머니 10000t.
Durability is ext토토 꽁 머니 10000ded by reducing dissolved oxyg토토 꽁 머니 10000 contained in feed water and reducing the cause of corrosion in boiler body. Also, it is designed for easy maint토토 꽁 머니 10000ance and long-life.
토토 꽁 머니 10000mpact size with high performance
High-performance economizer featu토토 꽁 머니 10000s SUS tubes and aluminum fins, and it makes the installation space small although the heat exchange capacity 토토 꽁 머니 10000mains large.