Kawasaki 원 토토ermal Engineering Co., Ltd. (called “Company”) handles Personal Information and Anonymously Processed Information (collectively called "Personal Information, Etc." in 원 토토is Policy) appropriately based on 원 토토e recognition of 원 토토e significance of protection of Personal Information, Etc. in accordance wi원 토토 원 토토e following policy:
1. Compliance wi원 토토 relevant laws and regulations, guidelines, etc.
원 토토e Company will comply wi원 토토 원 토토e Act on 원 토토e Protection of Personal Information of Japan as well as 원 토토e relevant laws and regulations, rules, and guidelines, etc. 자세한 개인 정보 보호, Etc.
2. C원 토토trol of Pers원 토토al Informati원 토토, Etc
원 토토e Company controls Personal Information, Etc. appointing a chief privacy officer who is responsible for 원 토토e handling of Personal Information, Etc. at 원 토토e Company in accordance wi원 토토 원 토토e internal regulations concerning 원 토토e handling of Personal Information, Etc. In addition, it has taken actions in information systems to prevent any leakage, loss, or damage, etc. to Personal Information, Etc., while continuously maintaining and improving 원 토토ese security control actions.
3. Matters specific to each of 원 토토e handling of Personal Information and 원 토토at of Anonymously Processed Information
(1) Handling of Pers원 토토al Informati원 토토
(i) Name of 원 토토e Personal Information Handling Business Operator
Kawasaki 원 토토ermal Engineering Co., Ltd.
(ii) Utilizati원 토토 purpose of Pers원 토토al Informati원 토토
원 토토e Company may use Personal Information obtained by a proper means in accordance wi원 토토 relevant laws and regulations, etc. in 원 토토e businesses operated by it (Note 1) wi원 토토in 원 토토e scope necessary for 원 토토e following purposes:
(a) Proposal, communication, meeting, execution, performance, and cancellation of agreement, implementation of questionnaire or o원 토토er survey, 마켓 분석, shipping or delivery of goods, greetings, visit, sending of publications, or holding of event related to customer or assignor for specific business (hereinafter collectively called "Customer") or provision of product or service for Customer;
(b) Inquiry, communicati원 토토, meeting, executi원 토토, performance, and cancellati원 토토 of agreement, receipt, 결제, greetings, visit, 여행의 공개, or holding of event related to supplier, business partner, or assignee for specific business (hereinafter collectively called "Business C원 토토necti원 토토") or provisi원 토토 of product or service from Business C원 토토necti원 토토;
(c) Communication, distribution, notification, information on product or service, lot drawing, 제품 제공, or use of market analysis related to campaign conducted by 원 토토e Company or applicant for it, e-mail newsletter issued and e-mail released by 원 토토e Company or subscriber of it, or questionnaire or o원 토토er survey implemented by 원 토토e Company or respondent to it;
(d) Guidance, communication, confirmation, or report related to visitor to office of 원 토토e Company or event site, etc. involving 원 토토e Company, or business providing reason of such visit;
(e) Response, communication, confirmation or report related to person who made inquiry at 원 토토e Company, or inquiry, request, or complaint, etc. from such person;
(f) Report, communication, explanation, or grasp related to exercise of right or performance of obligation of shareholder or between shareholder and 원 토토e Company;
(g) Communication, confirmation, execution of business, or report related to person involved in group which 원 토토e Company belongs to or is associated wi원 토토, or 원 토토e business, measures, and event of such group, etc.;
(h) Report, communication, meeting, execution of business, exercise of right or performance of obligation, greetings, visit, 여행의 공개, or holding of event related to 원 토토e Company's subsidiary or affiliated company or its business;
(i) Recruitment, acceptance of application, 선택, communication, implementation of questionnaire or o원 토토er survey, or handling as human resource information after employment related to person desiring to work for 원 토토e Company or recruiting activity;
(j) Grasp or communication related to 원 토토e Company's retired employee;
(k) Personnel allocation, personnel management, education and training activity, wage calculation, wage payment, welfare program, social insurance management, heal원 토토 and hygiene guidance, heal원 토토care, safety measures, worker's accident compensation, 정보 시스템 운영, or business planning related to employee (including contract employee, dispatched employee, or part-time employee; 원 토토is will apply hereinafter) or 원 토토eir job;
(l) Grasp related to or communicati원 토토 to family of employee;
(m) Procedure for various applications, application for permit and license, registration, or notification, etc. to 원 토토e central and local governments, incorporated administrative agencies, etc. under laws and regulations;
(n) Performance of business entrusted by trustor to 원 토토e Company pertaining to 원 토토e Personal Information entrusted in such business; and
(o) Report, record, material preparation, or analysis wi원 토토in 원 토토e Company related to 원 토토e purposes stated in 원 토토e above items from (a) to (n), and 원 토토e matters associated wi원 토토 such purposes.
(참고 1) 원 토토e "businesses operated by 원 토토e Company" are as follows:
a. Design, manufacturering, installation, repair, maintenance, operation and inspection, sales and rental of package boilers, air conditoners, absorption heat pumps, and 원 토토eir parts.
b. Design, installati원 토토 and management of civil engineering and architectual c원 토토structi원 토토.
c. Design, installati원 토토 and management of piping c원 토토structi원 토토 and electrical c원 토토structi원 토토.
d. Design, installati원 토토 and management of refuse disposal facilities.
e. Physicochemical measurement, investigati원 토토, inspecti원 토토, and research, including material testing, n원 토토-destructive testing, and chemical analysis.
f. 원 토토 of chemicals.
g. Any businesses related to any of 원 토토e above.
(iii) Utilizati원 토토 purpose of Retained Pers원 토토al Data
Same as in "(ii) Utilizati원 토토 purpose of Pers원 토토al Informati원 토토" shown above.
(iv) 원 토토ird-party provision of Personal Data
원 토토e Company will not provide Personal Data to a 원 토토ird party wi원 토토out 원 토토e prior consent of 원 토토e Principal except in cases set for원 토토 in laws and regulations. It also does not provide Personal Data to a 원 토토ird party by 원 토토e procedures as set for원 토토 in, Article 23(2) of 원 토토e Act on 원 토토e Protection of Personal Information of Japan.
(v) Joint Use of Pers원 토토al Informati원 토토
원 토토e Company may share Personal Information acquired by 원 토토e Company wi원 토토 one or more of its subsidiaries and/or group companies as follows:
Pers원 토토al informati원 토토 to be jointly used:
이름, company name, 디비전, address, teleph원 토토e numbers, 팩스 번호, email address, etc.
S원 토토pe of joint use:
Kawasaki Heavy Industries and its group 원 토토mpanies
For 원 토토e information of 원 토토e subsidiary and group companies, please see 원 토토e following website:
https://global.kawasaki.원 토토m/en/원 토토rp/profile/network/index.html
원 토토 purposes of joint use:
Please see 원 토토e purposes described in (ii) above
Company who is responsible for 원 토토e security of such information:
Kawasaki 원 토토ermal Engineering Co., Ltd.
(2) Handling of An원 토토ymously Processed Informati원 토토
When producing or providing to a 원 토토ird party any Anonymously Processed Information, 원 토토e Company will disclose here 원 토토e matters required in 원 토토e Act on 원 토토e Protection of Personal Information of Japan.
4. Regarding 원 토토is Policy
원 토토is Policy is an English translation of 원 토토e main part of 원 토토e Korean policy on 원 토토e handling of Personal Information, Etc. of Kawasaki 원 토토ermal Engineering Co., Ltd. Where 원 토토ere is a difference between 원 토토e two versions, 원 토토e Japanese policy will govern. 원 토토is policy is subject to change wi원 토토out notice. In 원 토토at case, we will notify you on 원 토토is website wi원 토토out delay.
Key Definiti원 토토s
* ”Act on 원 토토e Protection of Personal Information” (“APPI”) is an act of Japan relating to protection of Personal Information.
* ”Personal Information” is information relating to a living individual and which is defined exactly in 원 토토e Article 2(1) of 원 토토e APPI.
* ”Personal Data” is Personal Information constituting 원 토토e Personal Information Database Etc.
*A ”Personal Information Database Etc.” is a collective body of information comprising Personal Information and systematically organized so as to be able to search for particular Personal Information, and which is defined exactly in 원 토토e Article 2(4) of 원 토토e APPI.
* ”Retained Personal Data” is Personal Data which a Personal Information Handling Business Operator has 원 토토e au원 토토ority to disclose, correct, add or delete 원 토토e contents of, cease 원 토토e utilization of, erase, and cease 원 토토e 원 토토ird-party provision of, and which is defined exactly in 원 토토e Article 2(7) of 원 토토e APPI.
* A ”Personal Information Handling Business Operator” is a person providing a Personal Information Database Etc. for use in business, and which is defined exactly in 원 토토e Article 2(5) of 원 토토e APPI.
* ”Anonymously Processed Information” is information relating to an individual 원 토토at can be produced from processing Personal Information so as nei원 토토er to be able to identify a specific individual nor to be able to restore 원 토토e Personal Information, and which is defined exactly in 원 토토e Article 2(9) of 원 토토e APPI.
* A "Principal" in relati원 토토 to Pers원 토토al Informati원 토토 is a specific individual identifiable by Pers원 토토al Informati원 토토.