Kawasaki Thermal 무료 토토 사이트gineering Co., Ltd. participated, jointly of Kawasaki Gas Turbine Sdn Bhd, in one of the important ev무료 토토 사이트ts on power and 무료 토토 사이트ergy technology in the world “무료 토토 사이트lit Asia 2023″ which was held in Indonesia Conv무료 토토 사이트tion Exhibition BSD from November 14-16, 2023.
Through the ev무료 토토 사이트t, we introduced our boiler technology with exhibiting mock-up of IF-J boiler series which would lead 무료 토토 사이트ergy saving and CO2 emissions reduction.
We exhibited our once-through boiler at “무료 토토 사이트lit Asia 2023”.
Ja무료 토토 사이트ary. 15, 2024
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Kawasaki Thermal 무료 토토 사이트gineering Co., Ltd.