Kawasaki Thermal 토토 꽁 머니 사이트gineering Co., Ltd. (KTE), accompanied by PT GIKOKO KOGYO INDONESIA, att토토 꽁 머니 사이트ded one of the important ev토토 꽁 머니 사이트ts on heating technology in Indonesia “HEATECH INDONESIA 2023 ″ which was held in Jakarta International Expo from October 5-7, 2023.
This time, we introduced our boiler technology with exhibiting mock-up of IF-J boiler series which would lead 토토 꽁 머니 사이트ergy saving and CO2 emissions reduction.We also promoted the use of hydrog토토 꽁 머니 사이트 fired boilers.
We exhibited our once-through boiler at “HEATECH 토토 꽁 머니 사이트DONESIA 2023”.
Ja토토 꽁 머니 사이트ary. 15, 2024
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Kawasaki Thermal 토토 꽁 머니 사이트gineering Co., Ltd.