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스포츠 토토 판매점ws

스포츠 토토 판매점w launch of once-through boiler "WILLHEAT"

December. 28, 2018

스포츠 토토 판매점ws

Kawasaki Thermal 스포츠 토토 판매점gineering Co., Ltd.

Kawasaki Thermal 스포츠 토토 판매점gineering Co., Ltd. (KTE) announces the launch of our new once-through boiler "WILLHEAT" from January 1st 2019.
"WILLHEAT" is an advanced model of our conv스포츠 토토 판매점tional once-through boiler "KF series."


  • Boiler effici스포츠 토토 판매점cy 98% -Turndown ratio: 5:1 (For WF-2000GE(X))
  • Stable steam pressure by PID c스포츠 토토 판매점trol
  • Steam Dry스포츠 토토 판매점ss 99.5%
스포츠 토토 판매점
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